The Foundation

The James D. Moore Memorial Foundation was founded May 5, 2019 by Karen Y. Moore, sepsis survivor and widow of James. James was rushed to the hospital on May 4th and eventually succumbed to sepsis on May 5, 2009. Within hours of being admitted, James organs and systems started to fail and his body was slipping into a little-known but very deadly condition called septic shock. Nineteen hours later James died.

Karen founded the James D. Moore Memorial Foundation to help save lives from sepsis, and improve outcomes for survivors, by advocating political change, educating doctors and healthcare professionals, raising public awareness and providing support for those affected by this debilitating and oftentimes life altering illness.

Additionally she wants to provide a support system for those affected by sepsis and provide a platform for their voices to be heard. Sepsis kills between 150,000 and 300,000 people in the U.S. every year, and only about one-third of Americans have ever heard of sepsis. Spreading awareness is crucial because once sepsis develops it become life-threatening in such a short period of time.

Because of Karen’s battle and tragedy with sepsis an overwhelming desire was born to use her front-line experience and voice to kick-sepsis in the pants once and for all by joining in the fight to improve outcomes and decrease the number of sepsis related mortality or deaths each year.

OUR VISION: To end preventable deaths from sepsis, drastically improve survival outcomes for sepsis survivors, help patients adjust to life after sepsis, minimize the effects of post sepsis syndrome.

OUR MISSION: To support awareness, advocacy, the research, and the early diagnosis of sepsis to reduce mortality rates. Our goal is to improve the level of treatment, analyze the susceptibility, risk factors, management and outcome of patients with Sepsis and Septic Shock Syndrome.


  • We believe in empowering those affected by sepsis with the best knowledge, resources and support.
  • We believe in the power of “we” not “me.” We believe you and your loved ones should not be alone.
  • We believe in cures that improve and enhance outcomes, so lives can be lived to the fullest.
  • We believe that every story is unique, and we invite you to share yours.
  • We believe that people affected by sepsis and septic shock syndrome have a right to a quality life with dignity.

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